














Little Red Hen


Little Red Hen       

G                          C                G
On a bright sunny day, all the animals said,

              C          G
"Wouldn't it be nice to have some bread?"

e           G            D                  G
The little red hen and her chicks of ten

D                           G
They started to lead the way.

      C           G
"Who will help me plant some seed?"

                     C               G
Said the Little Red Hen to her animal friends.

e                G           D                 G
"Not I," said the cat.  "Not I," said the dog,

D                      G
"Not I," said the billy goat.

                      C              G
So the hen and her chicks did all the work

                  C               G
While her animal friends did nothing, but smirk.

e           D        G
They planted all the seed.

      C           G
"Who will help me cut the wheat?"

                  C                G
Said the little red hen to her animal friends.

e                G            D               G
"Not I," said the cat.  "Not I," said the dog,

D                        G
"Not I," said the billy goat.

                      C              G
So the hen and her chicks did all the work

                  C                G
While her animal friends did nothing, but smirk.

e             D        G
They cut down all the wheat.

      C           G
"Who will help me mill the wheat?"

                  C                G
Said the little red hen to her animal friends.

e                 G            D               G
"Not I," said the cat.  "Not I," said the dog,

D                      G
"Not I," said the billy goat.

                       C             G
So the hen and her chicks did all the work

                 C              G
while her animal friends did nothing, but smirk.

e               D             G
They milled that wheat to flour.

     C            G                    
"Who will help me bake some bread?"

                  C               G
Said the little red hen to her animal friends.

e                G           D               G
"Not I," said the cat.  "Not I," said the dog.

D                        G
"Not I," said the billy goat.

                      C              G
So the hen and her chicks did all the work

                C                 G
while her animal friends did nothing, but smirk.

e                D           G
They turned that flour to bread.

     C           G
"Who will help me eat the bread?"

                  C               G
Said the little red hen to her animal friends.

e                   G         D                   G
"I will," said the cat.  "I will," said the dog.

D                          G
"I will," said the billy goat.

                C            G
But the little red hen just shook her head

                                   C         G
And she told them that they had to work for bread.

e            G                    D              G
The cat felt ashamed, the dog felt to blame

D                     G
and so did the billy goat.

                       C             G
So the hen and her chicks ate all the bread

                 C                G
while her animal friends just watched instead.

e                   G               D                  G
Next time there's a task, you'll just need to ask,

D                          G
the cat, dog, and billy goat.

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Tabs by: project8

Published: 4 Jan, 2013

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